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It starts with a story

We are all born to tell stories, memorise and make sense of life in story form. So, the Nal'ibali Reading-for-Enjoyment initiative uses the power of stories -- oral and written, and in many languages -

Reading Aloud to Children

This video looks at ways we can improve children's reading, writing and understanding through reading aloud.

Story- telling tips

Story-telling tips on how you can bring your story to life.

How to Plan a Reading Club

Some tips on how you could start and man a Reading club.

Guiding Principles for reading clubs

Tips on how to make reading clubs comfortable spaces for children.

What is a reading club

This video shows the parts that make up a reading club and its activities

Involving parents and community leaders

Family members and communities playa huge role in teaching children how to read and wite. This is how they can do it.


Getting children to write and read their names is a great way to introduce children to reading for enjoyment.

What is a reading club?

A look at some of the building blocks for reading clubs.

How to plan a reading club programme

A look at ways to plan a reading club programme.

Using songs, rhymmes and games

Songs, rhymmes and games can help improve children's understanding and interest in stories.